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Optionen von MakeDoc

  DEBUG-INFO: Text unvollständig/fehlerhaft  

-h --help                print this help
   --no-logfile          disable log to logfile
-f --logfile  file       define logfile
-a --append              append to logfile

-s --script              script mode -> --no-std-log --no-std-output

-l --log                 extended logging
-v --verbose             enable verbose logging
-d --debug               declare 'debug'
-p --product             declare 'product'

   --html                enable html conversions
-7 --sevenbit            enable 7 bit conversions
-c --nocomment           disable comments

-n --min-indent  min     minimal indent of text
-i --max-indent  max     maximal indent of text
-t --tabsize  size       define #char's from one tab to the next
-e --emptylines  max     maximal #max empty lines in a sequence
-L --lowercase           names of generated files are lower case
-U --uppercase           names of generated files are upper case

-D --date  time          use `time' instead of `now' for reference
-b --base  dir           define a base directory
-o --output  dir         file or directory defaults for output
-x --extension  .extend  extension of output files
   --no-output           no output file at all, ignore -o and -x
   --no-std-output       no initial output file, ignore -o and -x

   --proxy  proxy        proxy for http-access
   --no-proxy            use no http proxy
   --user-agent  agent   user agent for http-access

-E --sort-extension      ???
-T --sort-type           sort source files by type before execution
-P --passes  max         ???
-W --wait-on-error  sec  ???

-0 --null                terminate each output line with NULL
-1 --cr                  terminate each output line with CR
-2 --lf                  terminate each output line with LF
-3 --crlf                terminate each output line with CR+LF

   --update              update only older files

   --no-cache            disable file cache
   --cache-size  size    set cache size, default: 8M
   --cache-files  n      set max cached files, default: 500
   --cache-filesize size set max size for 1 file, default: cache-size/8

-I --include  dir        specify 1 include dir; multiple -I allowed
-R --rules  filename     take rules from file; multiple -R allowed
   --iam  incl_acc_mode  NONE,RESTRICTED,ALL; def=ALL or RESTR. if -I/-R

File Select Options:

-# --maxsize size        files with filesize <  size
+# --minsize size        files with filesize >= size
   --nosize              no file size restrictions
-@ --before time         files with filetime <  time
+@ --since time          files with filetime >= time
   --notime              no file time restrictions + --mtime
   --mtime               use file Modified time
   --ctime               use file status Change time
-P --default-path path   set default path for every file
   --no-default-path     no default path
-I --insert-files        insert following files into list
   --insert              synonym for --insert-files
-R --remove-files        remove following files from list
   --remove              synonym for --remove-files
   --reset               abbreviation for --nosize --notime --insert